TMS Therapy for OCD in Miami, FL

Approximately 40% of people with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) do not respond to conventional treatments, such as psychotherapy and antidepressants.

Using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for OCD is an innovative approach. The treatment uses magnetic pulses to calm brain areas where obsessions and compulsions originate.

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Get help with OCD today!
It's important to know that you are not alone.



  • Depression
  • Lack of Joy
  • Sadness and Despair
  • Low Mood
  • Lethargy
  • Insomnia
  • Oversleeping
  • Social Isolation
  • Self-Harm
  • Substance Abuse
  • Suicidal Ideation
  • Alcoholism

What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)?

TMS therapy is a groundbreaking treatment for OCD. It uses short pulses of magnetic energy to stimulate areas of the brain that are related to mood. It’s a type of brain stimulation therapy that uses a magnetic field, similar to an MRI, to help fight OCD. TMS therapy is also non-invasive and has little to no side effects!

During a TMS session, patients sit in a comfortable chair with a magnetic coil placed on top of the head. This coil stimulates nerve cells in the brain and causes changes in cell activity which can lead to changes in mood and improvement of symptoms. The most common side effect of TMS may include mild scalp discomfort, which usually goes away quickly. So, why should TMS work for you?

  • TMS is safe & effective.
  • TMS is a non-pharmacological & non-invasive therapy.
  • There are no known long-term side effects associated with TMS.
  • There is no exposure to radiation, electricity, shock therapy, or anesthesia involved.
  • TMS therapy is covered by most insurance companies.
  • You can quickly return to normal activities after each session!
Want to learn more about the benefits of TMS for OCD?
Give us a call at (786)-321-2931
man with OCD in miami beach

What Is OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common mental and behavioral disorder that affects approximately four million people of all ages in the US.

OCD causes anxiety-inducing obsessions and compulsive behaviors that can be highly stressful and time-consuming.

Obsessions are distressing, recurrent, intrusive thoughts or urges that are uncontrollable. Some examples of obsessions are wanting everything to be symmetrical or having an irrational fear of dirt.

Compulsive behavior is a ritualistic behavior that people develop to conceal the anxiety they experience due to obsessive thoughts. Compulsive behavior might be a need to turn on the light switch a certain amount of times before entering the room or overwashing hands due to fear of germs.

If you think TMS might be right for you, take our free assessment today or give us a call at (786) 321-2931

How Does TMS Therapy Help with OCD?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation for OCD is a non-invasive treatment that stimulates activity in specific brain regions through magnetic fields. We provide an off-label TMS treatment for OCD using a Magstim Device.

It targets areas of the brain responsible for obsessions and compulsive behavior with magnetic pulses.

TMS for obsessive-compulsive disorder doesn't require sedation and has minimal side effects. You might feel slight tapping during the procedure, but it usually reduces throughout the course of treatment.

tms therapy for men and women in miami beach florida

Do You Suffer From OCD?

OCD affects about 2% of the population worldwide. OCD symptoms are similar to those of depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders, making a diagnosis challenging. Additionally, co-occurring mental illnesses - the presence of two or more conditions - are possible.

A psychiatrist typically diagnoses OCD after conducting a psychological assessment. This entails discussing ideas, actions, and signs that might interfere with daily life.

If you want to know if you have OCD and if TMS therapy is the best option for you, get in touch with us right away!

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Why Choose Miami Beach TMS?

At Miami Beach TMS, honesty and integrity are important to us. We are committed to offering a safe, secure environment that is also friendly, warm, and inviting. TMS therapy treatment helps our patients enhance their overall mental well-being. We make it easy to choose us as your primary TMS therapy treatment provider as we continuously make an effort to improve the quality of our service while developing unique.

Frequently Asked Questions About TMS Treatment For OCD

Have you been wondering if TMS therapy can help you with your unique demands? Take a look at this helpful FAQ.

  • Does TMS Work for OCD?

    Yes, TMS OCD Therapy can reduce symptoms and improve the quality of life. More than 45% of patients who received the treatment noted that their condition improved within a month of consistent procedures. 

  • Can TMS Make OCD Worse?

    No, TMS usually does not worsen the symptoms of OCD if it is correctly diagnosed. 

  • How Long Do Benefits of OCD TMS Therapy Last?

    Most patients experience a reduction of symptoms after the first TMS therapy for OCD. The effects can last for years if you maintain recommended lifestyle or with additional treatments if required.

  • Does TMS for OCD have FDA Approval?

    The FDA has cleared two devices to treat OCD: Brainsway Deep TMS System & MagVenture TMS Therapy.

  • Does Insurance Cover TMS For OCD?

    While TMS treatment for OCD is cleared for specific devices, it is still case-to-case for insurance companies, and payment may vary depending on your coverage and provider.

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